Bamboo is becoming mature
MOSO leading in worldwide certification of industrial bamboo products
Whereas in the past the conservative building industry could refer to several certifications not being available for bamboo as opposed to traditional building materials, MOSO has taken the lead to acquire all relevant certifications for industrial bamboo products relating to the environment, health and quality, including the development of separate EU standards for bamboo. As a result of these certifications, application of MOSO® bamboo products (flooring, panels, beams, veneer, decking & cladding) can even lead to a higher score for LEED and BREEAM, the leading green building certifications worldwide.
Environmental footprints for transparent reporting
Arjan van der Vegte, R&D manager of MOSO International: 'MOSO has made large investments to test and show, in collaboration with well-known testing institutes, that there are no more limitations to apply industrial bamboo on a large scale as sustainable tropical hardwood substitute. Whereas bamboo already has a large environmental advantage through the fast growth and the constant annual harvesting – preventing deforestation – MOSO has taken this one step further by also making its products available with FSC certification, the most stringent sustainable forestry ecolabel available in the market. Besides this, MOSO has had the ecological and carbon footprint of its products assessed by Delft University of Technology following the internationally accepted LCA methodology, showcasing that all solid bamboo products of MOSO® are CO2 negative over the full life cycle. As a result of these certifications, application of MOSO® bamboo products will enable a higher certification score for the most important sustainable building programs worldwide: BREEAM and LEED.'

Increasing health and quality requirements
Besides sustainability, also quality and health requirements are becoming increasingly important and even mandatory in several European countries. For example, in France and Germany (AgBB) the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) for a healthy indoor climate is bound to strict emissions thresholds. After the 1st of January 2015 also in Belgium the emission of volatile organic compounds is regulated. Van der Vegte: 'Extensive VOC testing by the renown Bremer Umweltinstitut has shown that all MOSO® bamboo floors easily meet these criteria and are even classified as A and A+ in France: the best classification possible!'

CE marking for bamboo flooring
One of the largest certification developments of recent years is the development of a separate EU standard for CE marking of bamboo flooring. Together with Dutch standardization institute NEN, MOSO has taken the lead to develop a separate Harmonized European Standard for bamboo flooring to meet stringent quality, safety and health requirements. Van der Vegte: 'After years of leadership in the Task Group Bamboo Flooring under working group CEN/TC 175 WG33, we are extremely satisfied to have a standard ready that can help safeguard the quality of bamboo flooring products on the European market. We expect this new standard will be officially published by the European Commission during Summer 2015. Now that all the required certifications are in order for bamboo, we see no more limitations towards a green bamboo-based revolution in the building industry.'